Intro Page. Why I became Peter Pan

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Donations Welcome!

Isn't it NICE to visit a website without a million distracting ads flashing in your face! So to help with the costs of maintaining the site, please consider voluntarily helping with a donation! This website is not a 'for profit' endeavor. In fact, in the spirit of the wishes of J.M. Barrie ( author of the original Peter Pan story -- google it! ), all donations exceeding expenses are given to local charities benefitting children at year's end. And to make it more fun, I'm making 8-1/2 x 11 glossy photos available for gifts at or above the amount shown. If you request one, remember to tell me whether you want it signed and if so, who to? (Peter Pan doesn't say 'to whom' )  Click (or tap) on any thumbnail to see a close-up of these items.

Photos... ($14*)

*Important Note: This suggested donation amount is for US residents only!
For photo requests outside the US, please use the contact form to tell me where you are. I will certainlly offer a quote, but please understand that it costs a lot more to send physical photos overseas.

Be a Pixie!
You can Fly!
Don't Quit your Day Dream!
Rockin Peter pan!
Peter Pan Tree Pose


All Gifts of $10 or more come with unlimited streaming of
My Music

Sorry! Sold Out for Now

Important Note: I don't know if more T-shirts will be made after the current short supply runs out. Click HERE for more info about this and future promo items. If there are a lot of requests for more, I'll have more made, and maybe some other goodies too. In the mean time, Signed Photos and music will always be here, and I'll post again if any new promos become available!

Donate By PAYPAL

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Sally Bosco, Author

Edgy, young adult horror, suspense and magical realism

This may not End Well
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As this is a new landing page, existing advertisers will be notified to discuss placement of banners and text links here. If you are interested in new placements, please use the contact link (page bottom), and write to me to discuss.