Peter Pan's New and Ever Growing
'Out and About' Page.

Last Updated 10/4/06
I know this seems hugely silly (so what else is new Peter!), but I just had to start this page! You see, it's gotten to where anytime I go anywhere, even in very ordinary clothes (Ahhhem!!!), people recognize me from the web site, and often ask to take a picture with me. When they do, I always ask them to please send a copy for the web site. Well of course everyone says "Ok... we will," and human nature being what it is, most usually forget about it. But over time, people have indeed sent pictures, and so now it's time for me to keep up my end of the deal, and start a page for that stuff.

SOOOOO... I've started this page of pictures taken with me and others, or just out and about at my favorite places. Some with friends, and some with complete strangers. So if you have a picture you promised to send me and haven't, please do, and I'll put it here!
~~~~~ WARNING to Very young and sensitive pixies ~~~~~

Those of you who know me realize that Peter Pan and Play-Time go together like shoes and anklets. So be aware that some fan's pictures of me are often taken in places which are probably not suited for young children to be in. I'll never post anything not rated 'G' here, but since tastes vary, parental supervision is advised.

Note: The ever growing collection of Reniassance Fair Pictures have moved Here

~~~~~ Just Around Town (Tampa) ~~~~~

Steve, who recognized me at Tampa
Airport, en route to California.

Lane, a fan who recognized me at Atlanta
Airport, on my way home.

Jennifer, at Clearwater beach.
(My hair is a MESS!)

My friend Katrina and I at the movies.
Which movie? Peter Pan of course!
With Monica, a fan from Maimi
At 'The Boneyard', a friendly 'Dive' in Ybor City

Matt, Nathan, and Nick, who
came to say hi, after stalking me at the Oldsmar Fleamarket.

Rebecca and Christine Visit Pixyland,
During recent VH-1 filming.
Here's a Kiddie Fountain I discovered in Hyde Park!
Sometimes they turn on twice as many water jets! Weeeee!!!

Guess I'm just a water fairy at heart. But Here's a photo sent to me
By Rebecca and Ben at a a local water park.
(I can't believe someone actually recognized me looking like this!)

~~~~~ At the Castle, and other Tampa Bay Clubs~~~~~

My friend Christina and I after Dancing
and partying at 'The Castle' in Y-bor city.
My eyes say 'Time to call it a night'

Friends Tammy and Andrea,
Also at The Castle

'RazorCandi', at Club Underground
Me in a SchoolGrrl look
at The Castle
My Friend Alex at the Castle,
in charge of 'scooby snacks'

Ashley, at the Castle, just turned 21 (Sept 17, 2004), and intends to party hardy.
Dancing with Simi at Club Underground

Various nights in Ybor City
With Mark,Catie, and Natelie
With The 'Temptress'
My special Pal Adrienne, AKA Tink

Laura, me, and Adrienne

Jen and me... forgot where!

Another night in Ybor... here I was in a variation
of the Glitter Star Fairy, an outfit that always brings tons of smiles!
Here I was on my way to another club, CZAR, and met Emma and Jessica, And Colin
The photographer here was their friend Mike.

At CZAR, we played with the dancing poll, and giggled lots!

CZAR has a stage with Video Cams for anyone who feels like 'performing' Soooo...

Later, back at The Castle, my Favorite 'haunt'. There I met Tracie and Bonnie.

~~~~~ More 'Castle' Shots ~~~~~

Me with 'Agony' and 'RazorCandi'

Eden, Lolita, Peter, and Razor

Megan and Me Dancing
on the Terrace

Peter, Adrienne, and Sylvie!
'Patriotic Pixies' on Memorial Day

Adrienen and me
Green and Purple Pixies


Red N Green :-)


Random Castle Shots

Guess who

Scott in a Pixie wig

Brent, Chase, Me, and Steven

Here's Shiena again... from the Pixie Friends Page

This is Amanda, with a VERY tired Glitter Star Fairy

This is Amanda again on my left, and Dianna on the Right (unaware of the photographer)
Hey... This is a Blue Pixie outfit I don't think I've put up on the website yet!

And this is Lydia, who took the photo above too!
Here's a few Castle shots of Pixie Pal Tara. Such a cutie!
My pal Adrienne in Pink and Blue Nursery Baby outfits
Jill, a recent Castle visitor.
This is Alison, with me on one of my grrly nites
Oops... I forgot who this was... Srry!
Here's Dorothy, and another long time Castle goer on St. Patty's Day

~~~~~ In West Hollywood ~~~~~

All these were taken at Hollywood clubs I've visited,
mostly either Bar Sinister, or Miss Kitty's, or Dungeon.




Michelle, a friend since my
first visit to Ca.
Also on the Pixie Friends page!

Some fans at the club. They
didn't tell me their names. :-(

Sarah, a wonderful friend. Look
for her as 'Strawberry Shortcake' soon!!

Ben (left), Sims (Right) and some fans from a
group called the STAR FRIENDS of LA (Bottom).

>This is Alex, also known as 'Thistle'
at a club called 'Dungeon'
in West Hollywood. Now...

Back at the 'Castle in Tampa,
This is 'Pony Boy'. Hmmm... do you think
they could be brothers?

Come on!... send in your pictures!

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